Here & Now

by 10:26 AM 0 comments

I was chatting with a friend earlier and wrote out this statement:
I know we're in a strange season for sure!  Just making it a point to enjoy the "here and now" for what it is before the "what's to come" shows up.
I sat and looked at that for a moment and realized that was an inspired sentence - certainly inspiration and insight like that did not come from me!  (I mean, I lost my purse and a pack of tissues twice this morning.)

In a season of change, it's incredibly difficult to purposely enjoy the "here and now".  Here and now might be tired, frustrated, angry, bitter, depressed, anxious.  Who wants to live in that space?  I have found that I if I purpose to find contentment, not complacency, in the here and now things are a lot easier to handle.

Do I still have bad days?  Oh yes!

Are there days I spend wishing I was already to the next season?  Definitely!

My goal is to find purpose in each today.  Today I am encouraging my boys (10 and 3) to play together nicely during the Thanksgiving break.  I'm slowly working on getting caught up on some of the little projects I've been putting off.

In bible study last night we talked about a blessings list.  Literally, a simple list of things you see as blessings that happen in your life, to your family and friends, are totally random.  Whatever they may be, you just jot down a running list of blessings.  Each day you can find a blessing and each day you add on.  For example, if I was writing out my blessing list today, it might look like this:

Blessings for Monday, 11/24/14

— Potty training milestone - he woke up dry
— I found that bible study I was looking for
— Husband has four days off from his hectic schedule
— Big kid is working very hard to be patient/kind to preschooler
— Weather is cooler again so I'm comfortable
— Got the dirty dishes in the dishwasher (HUGE)

... and it's not even 12:30 pm yet.

Here and now is what we make of it.  There are so many of us who are in a season of change. The world around us is changing - geologically, climatologically (is that a word?  it is now!), politically, socially, morally....

We can cower in a corner lamenting the "good old days" or we can remember that God is still very much in control over everything and concerned over our lives.  Nothing in this world has happened without his knowledge and it's all unfolding according to plan.  The bible says it will get worse before it gets better, but when it gets better it's going to be really, really, really great!!

What does your blessing list look like today?  Share with us!

Jodi @ God Still Speaks

Head Writer

Boy mom of three. Married to the same man since 2002. Former working mom turned stay-at-home mom. I love my faith, family, and coffee.


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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests to made known to God. — Philippians 4:6