#lampandlight Day 3

by 9:15 AM 0 comments
Weekend bible studies are hard!!  Never the less, I did it.  :)  Day three down -  having the accountability is a great thing to have.  It's not too late to join in on the #lampandlight challenge!  My weekend entries will be shorter because, frankly this is family time with everyone together and we take that very seriously around here.  :)

Day 3 | Isaiah 7-9

One of the first things you notice about these chapters is this is where Isaiah begins to prophesize about the coming of a Savior.  It's really interesting to read it now, on the other side of that prophesy.  It's like having insider information!

I highlighted several verses this morning, but the cluster that really spoke to me this morning was 8:11-15
With his great power the Lord warned me not to follow the road which the people were following. He said, "Do not join in the schemes of the people and do not be afraid of the things they they fear.  Remember that i, the Lord Almighty, am holy; I am the one you must fear.  Because of my awesome holiness I am like a stone that people stumble over; I am like a trap that will catch the people of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel and the people of Jerusalem.  May will stumble; they will fall and be crushed.  They will be caught in a trap."

How many times have I found myself going along with the world around me, more afraid of meeting a status quo or maintaining favor among friends or family rather than walking the path that Jesus has set before me?  It's a stern reminder from my Heavenly Father that HE is the one I need to be focused on no matter what goes on around me.  Ultimately, he is the only judge and he only disciplinarian I need to concern myself with.

Jodi @ God Still Speaks

Head Writer

Boy mom of three. Married to the same man since 2002. Former working mom turned stay-at-home mom. I love my faith, family, and coffee.


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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests to made known to God. — Philippians 4:6