Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
2 Corinthians 5:17
Looking back...
I can say that 2013 was quite a year in nearly every area of our life. I got pregnant twice and lost both babies - Peanut and Blueberry. I continued to be a waitress and even took on a second job temping for a major construction company doing marketing. That was a love-hate relationship if I ever had one! Although it challenged every fiber of my being and faith, it also help me shed some of my old self so the new could come. God will gain glory no matter your circumstances!! :) By September, I felt like God knew that it was time for us to make a change. Hubby was given a new position and we realized that financially it was silly for me to keep working like I had been. I left BOTH my jobs and began staying home with our children. Financially, we were going to make it if I was able to save the same amount we were spending between gas, childcare, meals, and everything else. God provided and this endeavor has been successful! We're thriving as a one income family and God gets all the credit!
Looking forward...
I honestly don't know what 2014 holds for us - at least not specifically. I do know that becoming a follower of Jesus Christ means that I have given Him dominion over my heart, mind, and soul. I have stopped rejecting Him and and accept His salvation. That I am completely dependent on Him and need His presence in my life. Thankfully, the God who created the heavens is in compete control over my life and our family. As long as Hubby and I continue to seek His will for our lives, I know we're going to have every need met and met in abundance.
I am feeling led toward one or two things in the coming year so I will prayerfully seek the Lord's guidance over those. Meanwhile, I believe that my purpose right now is to serve my family in a way that brings honor and glory to God. I'm fortunate that I have the opportunity to be a Titus 2 woman.
Resolutions? I haven't made any in quite a while, but I do have a few.
1. Read more.
I have a couple of David Platt books to read, starting with Radical. My favorite author is publishing book six if her series in May. Then there's that pesky Pinterest board full of books that have been recommended to me as well.
2. Blog regularly.
I know things have been sporadic this year. I'd like to get to the point where I am blogging at least weekly if not a couple of times a week. Hopefully my reading list will help significantly!
3. Relent to God's work in me.
I have so many areas of my life where I am still fighting God at every turn. I don't want to allow him full control over a few areas for a myriad of reasons. I'm hoping this time next year I can look back and see that I've let myself trust Him and let go of my own selfish desires.
What are your resolutions? Let's talk!
Resolutions? I haven't made any in quite a while, but I do have a few.

I have a couple of David Platt books to read, starting with Radical. My favorite author is publishing book six if her series in May. Then there's that pesky Pinterest board full of books that have been recommended to me as well.
2. Blog regularly.
I know things have been sporadic this year. I'd like to get to the point where I am blogging at least weekly if not a couple of times a week. Hopefully my reading list will help significantly!
3. Relent to God's work in me.
I have so many areas of my life where I am still fighting God at every turn. I don't want to allow him full control over a few areas for a myriad of reasons. I'm hoping this time next year I can look back and see that I've let myself trust Him and let go of my own selfish desires.
What are your resolutions? Let's talk!
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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests to made known to God. — Philippians 4:6