The Pit

by 4:17 PM 0 comments
I've been working on the same post for over a week.  Life keeps getting in the way.  Most recently, my big kid has been sick with what I suspect to be another sinus infection.  I did share something with my Hope Mommies bible study group that I wanted to also share with you.

I had this as the wallpaper on my desktop for a long time. So often I'd ask for God to calm the storm and felt like he wasn't listening. Then I realized that sometimes the point is to be a beacon for those in the storm; God would keep me calm so I could help others see how much of a difference he could make in a life seeking him. As a side note, we're doing a series in Sunday School about "overcoming" - being faithful in the trials and tribulations. We're reading about Joseph's life and challenges in Genesis. This morning we were reminded, even when we find ourselves in "the pit," and you simply can't understand why, just keep doing whatever God has given you the gift(s) to do and eventually you'll find out.

Jodi @ God Still Speaks

Head Writer

Boy mom of three. Married to the same man since 2002. Former working mom turned stay-at-home mom. I love my faith, family, and coffee.


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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests to made known to God. — Philippians 4:6