9:54 AM
Bible Study
Glory Stories
Ten days between posts is just unacceptable! I have the best audience ever because you guys stick with me even if I don't post regularly. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)
T had a rough week at school with some missing assignments and behavior issues we had to address. His three day weekend was filled with homework and no privileges. Being a mother of a Tween is no joke, I'm woefully unprepared for this stage of his development! I always thought I'd be better with my kids as they got older, but I guess my niche is the 0-9 years range. Even though Daddy's schedule is unrelenting, he's really come through and helped to address some of the needs of our eldest son. Once again, I am reminded daily how blessed I am to have such strong men in my life!
I'm praising God that Baby Cranberry is doing well. Our doctor was able to finish the ultrasound this week and says he's growing right on track! She's also starting me on a magnesium supplement to combat the recurring headaches (which have been the main reason why I've been unable to write posts). My thyroid levels are holding steady and that may make me happiest of all. No names yet, we're not even close. I actually keep praying God will just give us a name. After all, I think he's had a great track record of naming children over the centuries.
DH continues to look for a new position. I pray for the right job, at the right time, according to God's will. We're not necessarily discouraged, well I'm not; I know he's more than ready for a schedule change so he might be a little discouraged. He's such a trooper though and even though he's tired physically, mentally, and spiritually he still puts his best foot forward in all things. I love that man's work ethic and I'm proud that he's setting such a wonderful, Godly example for our sons!!
Those words - "unformed substance" hit me like a jet breaking the sound barrier! SUBSTANCE. Our babies, even those lost in the womb early on, have substance! Not blob, not mass of cells, not tissue. Substance, some ONE with meaning and purpose! Our Creator God knows them and loves them and chose us to carry them to glory for him! Those days of your pregnancy, be it a few weeks or a few months mattered! They were counted by our Father in Heaven! Life does not begin when we're born. Life is not when a tiny embryonic heart begins beating. Life begins when two single cells meet and God begins his masterful work.
Parents who grieve, your children were not accidents, mistakes, or stolen from you. You were chosen for a much larger purpose. I do believe that there was a reason behind our losses. I don't know what it is, but I believe that everything God does is intended for His glory. For that reason and many others, my child was glorious and so are yours!! Every cell, that's ever divided at conception, has a purpose.
What's new?
J is potty training. He turns three on the 27th and he's been 70% of the way there for quite some time. This weekend T is off on a cub scout camping trip so I figured now is the perfect time. Since his class in the church nursery has the teeny-weeny little toddler size toilets and the teachers are good about having them go potty, I figure we have nothing to lose! Except maybe some money on next month's water bill from all the extra laundry, lol.T had a rough week at school with some missing assignments and behavior issues we had to address. His three day weekend was filled with homework and no privileges. Being a mother of a Tween is no joke, I'm woefully unprepared for this stage of his development! I always thought I'd be better with my kids as they got older, but I guess my niche is the 0-9 years range. Even though Daddy's schedule is unrelenting, he's really come through and helped to address some of the needs of our eldest son. Once again, I am reminded daily how blessed I am to have such strong men in my life!
I'm praising God that Baby Cranberry is doing well. Our doctor was able to finish the ultrasound this week and says he's growing right on track! She's also starting me on a magnesium supplement to combat the recurring headaches (which have been the main reason why I've been unable to write posts). My thyroid levels are holding steady and that may make me happiest of all. No names yet, we're not even close. I actually keep praying God will just give us a name. After all, I think he's had a great track record of naming children over the centuries.
DH continues to look for a new position. I pray for the right job, at the right time, according to God's will. We're not necessarily discouraged, well I'm not; I know he's more than ready for a schedule change so he might be a little discouraged. He's such a trooper though and even though he's tired physically, mentally, and spiritually he still puts his best foot forward in all things. I love that man's work ethic and I'm proud that he's setting such a wonderful, Godly example for our sons!!
Something I learned...
Hope Mommies is doing a fall session of bible studies/discussions. Recently, we talked about Psalm 139, which is commonly referenced whenever babies/children are involved. I realized something about Verse 16 I'd never noticed before:
"Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them."
Those words - "unformed substance" hit me like a jet breaking the sound barrier! SUBSTANCE. Our babies, even those lost in the womb early on, have substance! Not blob, not mass of cells, not tissue. Substance, some ONE with meaning and purpose! Our Creator God knows them and loves them and chose us to carry them to glory for him! Those days of your pregnancy, be it a few weeks or a few months mattered! They were counted by our Father in Heaven! Life does not begin when we're born. Life is not when a tiny embryonic heart begins beating. Life begins when two single cells meet and God begins his masterful work.
Parents who grieve, your children were not accidents, mistakes, or stolen from you. You were chosen for a much larger purpose. I do believe that there was a reason behind our losses. I don't know what it is, but I believe that everything God does is intended for His glory. For that reason and many others, my child was glorious and so are yours!! Every cell, that's ever divided at conception, has a purpose.
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Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests to made known to God. — Philippians 4:6